Monday, August 13, 2012

Day 9 - painting day....

Getting ready to paint the kindergarten building at the local school...

Lunch break....

Paint always seems to get on the painters...

Clean up time and ready to head back for dinner...

Happy bus team....
CCPCYM <\\\><



Gotta love good ol' painting (and large arachnids)! ;) You guys are awesome...just sayin'.

Ive been a paintin all day tooo... : ) You are an awesome team - you have smiles on your faces after a long work day!!! So proud of you all. MISS YOU!!!!

Hey Cody,
Looks a lot of painting going on. You should be ready to get your room done when you return home. HaHa we will see. Hope you didn't get paint on your good pants? Grandma Ommie says hi! Grandma says she prays for you when she wakes up in the middle of the night and also for you and the team daily. Ryan is going to your school Tuesday, his car is in the shop today. Nothing has changed with your schedule as of tonight. We miss you and love all the pic's. Keep pressing forward for the prize! Always in our prayers!
Mom, Dad,Ryan and Grandma Ommie.

Nice job guys! You can all come work for Pete LOL!! So blessed by your hard work and dedication!!! Miss you!!!!