Thursday, August 14, 2008

England - A Royal Ending

We had a great time in London, as we saw all the popular sights and it was a great way as a team to close out our time together. We have been helpful to our missionaries and met some others that love the Lord and the people of the country. We were used by the Lord to minister to over 30 children and many have been impacted for all eternity. Keep praying for seed to grow and produce more fruit.

Pray for the next opportunity - where will the Lord send us next?

Sunday, August 10, 2008


We had a great day we all the kids that came out, with a little on and off rain, it was still well received by the children and the parents that came too. The team did a great job serving all of the ones who came by painting faces and making all kinds of balloon animals. It was a great way to end our time in Scotland, but also a sad ending too knowing that we are leaving all the ones we met: Robert, Kristy, Leona, Stacy, Chelsea and Stewart. We had a great time with Scott & Dani and Jed, we had a wonderful time getting to know David & Vicki as well. But one who was an unsung hero to our team was Jean. She was the grandmother to all of the team (she reminded me a lot of my mom). We thank God for all of them! (Hope I didn’t miss anyone…)

Be home soon… keep praying for our off day and the weather and our safety. Thanks again!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Animal Day @ HBC

We had a wild day today – all the animals we out and about. We had so much fun with the HBC kids and the last day, although it was also sad too. We encouraged them to come out for the fun day this Saturday with them and the bigger kids too. It seems that there is such a great need for all the kids here, but the pressure from their piers really is huge (they all want to be “in”). Our prayer is that many of them would hear the gospel and allow God’s voice to speak to them.

We know God’s got a great plan for tomorrow, and we love your prayers. Check out the pictures of all the great looking kids in their animal outfits.

On Thursday we went to the transportation museum and saw a lot of old modes of transportation, it was a great day out in Glasgow. (This is a picture for you HD people.)
Now we are gearing up and getting ready for the final day of HBC and the kids have been great, many open doors and God’s hand in everything. The last few days we have been having rainy weather, and we are praying for better weather, especially for Saturday. This morning we woke to high clouds, and praise the Lord NO RAIN! We are looking forward to games outside and our crafts with smaller groups, which makes it a lot easier. (Let me just say that Taylor has been FANTASTIC working with the kids in the craft area, she had a lot of helpers too.) Keep on praying, Our big outreach is tomorrow afternoon/evening and we are expecting God to bring many and many to hear the hope of Heaven!

Talk with you all soon!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Another Great Day in Scotland

Before I go on – to call the mobile phone after the 011 drop the 36 1 and then dial the rest from 44 on… Sorry about that typo – the daily prayer page was correct.

We had a few more join our Holiday Bible Club today, and those who returned were so excited to be back. We are still going out door to door passing out Bibles in the area and we are getting the replies we thought we would get: Some received them, some rejected them and others we happy for us, but didn’t want to talk. I guess that we have been the buzz in the whole village. Everyone is talking and I guess that is a good thing, or I think it is… As long as God is being exalted in Shotts, we will all rejoice. After our HBC and Bibles door to door, we had supper and then it was off to do some sport evangelism. Today we played football (we all call it soccer). It was good to reach out to the older youth and play along side of them. They are so amazed that we would come to Shotts. So many of them have asked us, “Why have you come here? Our answer is to share the love of Jesus with them and to help support Scott & Danielle. Then they would say again, “OK, but why have you come to Shotts?” Tonight Tom & I engaged in a conversation with a few boys and a couple of girls watching our football game. They were “NED’s” (which stands for Non Educated Delinquents) a term they care with pride. It was good though to cut to the chase and just ask them about hope, God in their lives, relationship and the need for Jesus in their lives. The all were very interactive and acknowledged that God was trying to talk with them… They had the peer pressure thing going and we left it with them asking God to make himself real to each of them tonight. Our prayers are that they will open their ears but more importantly their hearts to God’s voice and love for them. Keep on praying we hope to see them tomorrow and all of them on Saturday at the outreach. Keep us in prayer, we miss you all and know that God’s got a whole lot more for us and Shotts!

Monday, August 04, 2008

Holiday Bible Club (VBS) Begins

What a great day we all had! The team was so excited and the kids that came were just as engaging and energetic. We started with over 25 kids, and we had two groups: the Iguanas and the Night Hawks. As you can see in some of the pictures, the team did so good working with the children that came and were so helpful. After that some of the team went door to door passing out Bibles, it was well received by most of the Scottish people. (Some of the people wanted to pay for the free Bibles.) It was great to see some of the team to get way out of their comfort zone to do door to door evangelism. We are even more excited as day two approaches and we see even more children coming... Keep on praying - and thanks for all of them!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Going Out into all the World (Scotland)

Today was a day of preparation as we started by “boiler room” prayer time. (The term comes from when Spurgeon and even Moody had people in the church praying for the ministry and they were in the downstairs boiler room.) So we all picked a time to spend an hour in prayer and devotion for the outreach ahead. It was a great time, some got up at 2am to prayer for an hour others 3am etc. The all had some extra time to sleep in this morning, devotions weren’t until 9am. Afterwards we went out in the city all over – inviting the families and children to the HBC (Holiday Bible Club). And then we went back to the church to set up, organize and practice for the children as Carol and company made us lunch. We are asking God to do a HUGE work next week and we are confident that He will! The locals are very inviting and very friendly, everyone has a story to tell, and some have quite a few more. The team is anxious for Jennifer to join us tomorrow, and think Connie & I are too. (I guess that would be kind of obvious huh?
Great pictures to show you too, check out the photo gallery… Keep on praying!

Friday, August 01, 2008

The Team Bonding Time

Wow we had such a great day in Endinburgh, and the team went with a few of the kids from shotts too! We climbed up to the top of King Authers Seat (elevation is only 821 feet). We also went down the Royal Mile too, some of the team went shopping and got a few souveniers. We are having dinner now, and will go through orintation tonight to get ready for our VBS (Hoilday Bible Club). More later...

Monday, July 28, 2008

We're off to Scotland

The bags are packed... Wednesday (July 30th) we will depart with 17 kids who are eagerly awaiting the adventure of a lifetime. For some of our missionaries this will be their first trip and for others it will feel like coming home. We have the wonderful opportunity to work with two couples who live in Shotts, Scott & Danielle Key and David & Vicki Emmerson. Together we will be hosting Vacation Bible School also known as Holiday Bible Club in the mornings and offering a "sports" outreach in the afternoons.

In addition to our work with the people of Scotland we will have an opportunity to minister to our missionaries who reside there year round. (tell about them)

Keep us in your prayers. Feel free to leave your prayers for out team on the comments below.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Every Day is an Adventure in Sudan

The trip we took in January of 2008 was a great opportunity that had many open doors to assist the people of Sudan and the region of Darfur. Our team was made up of 7 members. Along with the director of Safe Harbor International Relief International Gary Kusinoki , along with the National Direcor Bill Paquette.