Thursday, August 07, 2008

Another Great Day in Scotland

Before I go on – to call the mobile phone after the 011 drop the 36 1 and then dial the rest from 44 on… Sorry about that typo – the daily prayer page was correct.

We had a few more join our Holiday Bible Club today, and those who returned were so excited to be back. We are still going out door to door passing out Bibles in the area and we are getting the replies we thought we would get: Some received them, some rejected them and others we happy for us, but didn’t want to talk. I guess that we have been the buzz in the whole village. Everyone is talking and I guess that is a good thing, or I think it is… As long as God is being exalted in Shotts, we will all rejoice. After our HBC and Bibles door to door, we had supper and then it was off to do some sport evangelism. Today we played football (we all call it soccer). It was good to reach out to the older youth and play along side of them. They are so amazed that we would come to Shotts. So many of them have asked us, “Why have you come here? Our answer is to share the love of Jesus with them and to help support Scott & Danielle. Then they would say again, “OK, but why have you come to Shotts?” Tonight Tom & I engaged in a conversation with a few boys and a couple of girls watching our football game. They were “NED’s” (which stands for Non Educated Delinquents) a term they care with pride. It was good though to cut to the chase and just ask them about hope, God in their lives, relationship and the need for Jesus in their lives. The all were very interactive and acknowledged that God was trying to talk with them… They had the peer pressure thing going and we left it with them asking God to make himself real to each of them tonight. Our prayers are that they will open their ears but more importantly their hearts to God’s voice and love for them. Keep on praying we hope to see them tomorrow and all of them on Saturday at the outreach. Keep us in prayer, we miss you all and know that God’s got a whole lot more for us and Shotts!


Hi Everyone!
Sounds like HBS is a success! Praise God! The children are so cute! Please tell Scott and Dani hello for all of us and give that little one a kiss for us. We miss you all! God Bless you!

Samantha started swimming Monday and she loves it! No screaming this time! Thank the Lord! She cant wait for you to come home and see her swim. Have an awesome time honey. We miss you and love you!

Mom, Dad, Samantha

Dear Outreach team,we are so excited to see God using your lives to share His Good News with those in Scotland.  We pray that those seeds will get planted in good soil!!  I am especially excited to hear about the "NED's"opportunity to hear the gospel.  We will keep them in prayer.Hey Summer, We are all thinking about you wondering how you are doing.  We have been enjoying the pictures - especially the "Scotish" one (with the hat). Ha ha. It looks like God is using your team in some awesome ways.  Praise God!!  Have you come across the name "Finlayson" yet in Scotland?  Just curious.  We're taking a train ride today for fun. Woo hoo! Also, just so you know, Josh really misses you. Please write when you get a chance.  Love you,"the Fam"

Dear Summer,
Please also tell Scott and Danielle hello from Doug and Gina and send them our love. God Bless!

Hi all,

We are so proud of all of you for the work you are doing out there. God is so awesome. I pray that those NEDs are touched by the love you all are showing each other and all those you come in contact with so they will see His light through you and want them hope for themselves.
We love the Pics so please keep them coming.
Tay Tay,

We all miss you so much. We cant wait to see you and hear all about this great experience. Check your email you should have a couple out there.
We Love you
Dad, Mom and moochie

Robert & Connie,
Great job with this blog, your pictures and information are great. We (the Pomeroys) are praying for each and every one of you every day. Hayley, we really miss you.
Bill and Jodi and fam

Hey there Scotland group! Looks like all is just fabulous in Shotts. The last report just brought tears to our eyes! You are all doing such a wonderful job in being open to the Lord's all Totally Rock! Look forward to all the stories that go with the awesome pix! Where are the kilts?

Alyssa and Joshua,
we REALLY miss you lots! However, we are also very proud this is how you chose to spend your summer. Look forward to Tuesday and glad you are on special assignment for the LORD! Ethan is in swimming too! You'll love it!

oopsy! just saw the cool boys!

Hey guys,
Looks & sounds like you guys are keeping really busy! We can tell by the pics (& blog) that God is working mightily there. We keep praying for strength & endurance for all of you for a good finish for what you've been called to do there. Our prayers are especially with you these last days with the closing of HBS and the outreach you'll be doing! Keep up the good work!
Hi! Dad talked to Robert yesterday, but missed you. All is well.. Dad is recovering day by day. We all miss you, we're very proud of you & love you.