Sunday, June 20, 2010

First Day of Ministry

At times very intense... byt lot of fun...
Lots of fun with the kids!
Having the Kids school our team...
Team 2...
Team 1 on the Soccer Day!
The team - going to play some Soccer...
Group going door to door...
At the market...
Early Morning in Panama
Bus Ride from the airport... Sardines


Looks like lots of fun and that it's pretty hot there. Thanks for posting the pictures. We will continue to pray!

Jeff and Kelley Barton

Thanks for posting all the photos. Looks hot there! Seems like everyone is having fun along with serving the Lord. We will keep praying!

Jeff and Kelley Barton

Soccr, no one told me there was going to be soccer! WISH I WAS THERE - I would take you all on!

MISS YOU NICHOLAS - get into some pictures so I can see your cute little face.

Hi Katie & the Panama Group,

You all look like you are having fun. It looks hot there. How fun to be where you can play soccer and share the Word of God. You all can change the life of the ones you meet and share the Word with.
Never forget why God called you to go.


Grandma, Papa & Great Grandma

Thanks for posting the photos. Great to see you in Panama! Take lots of photos. We miss you and we're praying for the group.

The VanHofwegens

hey guys! It's Miranda and Alyssa...we just thought we would say hola. Not because we're mexican, just because we like the word "hola". Anyways we love you guys and we're praying for you. <3

Sara: we think you should bring Mitch a gift back so that when he goes to Costa Rica he gets us gifts.

Lucia: by the way Jeff says hi :)

Collin and Hope,

You went to Panama? I thought the house was quiet. There are easier ways to get out of doing your chores? We seriously need to talk.

God bless you all.

Dad and Mom

Hey There,

The Lord has had you on my heart as I have lifted you up in prayer again and again. Asking the Lord for devine appointments for each one of you and ways to communicate your love for the Lord.

Sara we love you and miss you VERY MUCH!!!!!!

Mom & Dad


Scott Niedermayer is retired.


Just thought I would let you know.

Love you all!

Kelly K.

It is great seeing how much fun everyone is having. It looked like a great soccer game. You are all in our prayers.

Tata, Grandma, and Crystal all say Hi!! Love you J.D.


Love your new Make-up it suits you well.. hope your having fun? God will bless you, no matter how hot it is. Oscar misses you. Wants to know where his Sissy is? The house is sure quite. We miss you and are excited to see you soon. Love,

Mom, Dad and Zach